Teens With Autism

Teens With Autism: Finding a Job

Building Self-Sufficiency

Navigating the transition from adolescence to adulthood can be challenging for anyone, but it can be particularly daunting for individuals on the autism spectrum. However, with the right support, opportunities, and understanding, teenagers with autism can thrive in the world of work, gain independence, and build fulfilling careers.

Having a job can be beneficial for teens with autism for several reasons:

  • Development of skills: A job provides an opportunity for teens with autism to develop and refine various skills, such as communication, social interaction, problem-solving, time management, and task completion. These skills are essential for their personal growth and independence.
  • Building self-esteem: Being employed can boost self-confidence and self-esteem in teens with autism. Successfully completing tasks, receiving positive feedback from supervisors or colleagues, and experiencing a sense of accomplishment can enhance their overall well-being.
  • Routine and structure: Many individuals with autism thrive on routine and structure. Having a job provides a consistent schedule and a sense of purpose, which can contribute to their overall stability and well-being.

To help your teen with autism secure a job, consider the following steps:

Teens Studying in Row

Assess Strengths & Interests

Identify your teen's unique strengths, talents, and areas of interest. Understanding their abilities can help determine suitable job options.

autism self advocacy

Explore Vocational Programs

Look for vocational programs or services that specialize in supporting individuals with autism in gaining employment skills. These programs often provide job training, job placement assistance, and ongoing support.

Talking with counselor

Vocational Assessments

Consider vocational assessments that evaluate your teen's skills, interests, and work preferences. These assessments can provide valuable insights and help identify potential career paths.

Portrait of woman therapist getting ready for aa therapy meeting with group of people

Job Coaching & Support

Connect with organizations or agencies that offer job coaching and support services for individuals with autism. Job coaches can provide training, assist with resume writing and interview skills, and provide on-the-job support to ensure a smooth transition and successful employment.

Young contemporary businesswoman networking by desk at home

Networking & Connections

Leverage personal and professional networks to explore job opportunities. Reach out to local businesses, community organizations, and vocational rehabilitation agencies that may have positions suitable for individuals with autism.

Young contemporary businesswoman networking by desk at home
Asian Businesswoman Talking to Boss

Accomodations & Disclosure

Encourage your teen to disclose their autism diagnosis to potential employers, if they feel comfortable doing so. This allows employers to better understand their needs and provide appropriate accommodations that can contribute to their success in the workplace.

Trash pick up volunteering, teen friends at the beach

Volunteering & Internships

Engaging in volunteer work or internships can provide valuable experience, help build a resume, and potentially lead to paid employment opportunities.

Trash pick up volunteering, teen friends at the beach

Guide Disclaimer

Please consult with a qualified professional or employment specialist who has experience working with individuals with autism to tailor the strategies and recommendations to the specific needs of the teen with autism you are supporting. Additionally, it is important to consider local laws, regulations, and employment practices that may impact the job-seeking process for individuals with autism in your region.