The payment for services for children with autism, parents with a request to the institutions, is increased

About 60 children with autism are at risk of being left without services from the Autism Association, due to the price increase from 7.50 to 12 euros. This is what the parents who bring their children to this center have stated, who have asked the responsible institutions to take measures and help in this direction, otherwise they will stop the children at home from August. Until this association has justified the price increase, saying that there are no donations. Singer Arta Bajrami, who has children with autism, while asking the municipality and the state to take measures in this direction, considers how quickly a solution should be found for children with special needs. “We are human and parents do not live together and someone needs to take care of these children. That’s why they should be treated as early as possible and once they hire them, they should work on their talent, everyone has something special that is revealed through work. Therefore, it should be integrated into society as much as possible. Progress Rama must put the first problem in order, first solve the problem of children with autism, then let the others continue. I have information that there is a budget surplus every year Prishtina, therefore, don’t send the money anywhere else, but to children with autism, because the parents are really in trouble. Mothers also need psychological treatments”, said Bajrami. Valentina Rrahmani, mother of a child with autism, also expressed her concern with this situation. Even another parent, Rashit Gashi, who faces this problem, said that the increase in prices is unaffordable for families. On the other hand, Aida Fekaj, the mother of an autistic child who is forced to come from the Municipality of Fushë Kosova to bring the child to this center, said that in this direction the pension received by children with autism should be increased. While also the parent Safete Gashi has said that as a kind of protest against this price increase, they will be forced to stop their children at home and not bring them to the center at this price. Meanwhile, the board member of the Autism Association, Cenë Krasniqi, while saying that they have been facing this challenge for 15 years, has justified the increase of this price. Full news on the prepaid system…


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